Pastor Freddie Arellano
Pastor Alfredo (Freddie) Arellano is a Filipino missionary to Australia. He, his wife, Lilian, and children, Rachel, Roy and Ron, arrived at Sydney on Saturday, April 13, 1997 and the following day commenced the services of Bethel Bible Baptist Church at Glenwood Public School, Glenfield NSW.
During his childhood, Freddie, along with his siblings, were taken by their mother to Sunday school at Bethany Baptist Church Makati, Philippines. Sadly, their mother passed away at a very young age of 36, and this caused the siblings to stop going to church. However, by God’s grace, after about 7 years, the Arellano brothers and sisters were brought back to Bethany, and since then became faithful in attendance and ministry.
In April 1977, Freddie was able to attend a Youth Camp, and there he was presented the Gospel and learned of his need of God’s gift of salvation. As a result, he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour that day. Shortly after, he enrolled in Baptist Bible College (in Bethany Baptist Church), but stopped after the first year. He was married to Lilian in October 1983, and was mentored by his father-in- law in his paper recycling business. After a few years of skilfully managing the business, Freddie was able to open his own company. He became quite successful in his trade, and made his family financially comfortable.
While the family continued attending church, in 1995, Freddie became more active in the church ministries. He became a part of the Board of Deacons, and eventually resumed his Bible College studies. In 1996, he and his family went on a holiday to Sydney to visit relatives and to tour around the place. After this trip, the Lord placed a burden for him to go back. So, after another 2 trips and an unexpected preaching from Pastor Richard Hester, the Lord confirmed His call for Freddie to be a missionary to Sydney, Australia.
On February 19, 1997, Freddie was commissioned by Bethany Baptist Church Makati, Philippines to be their missionary to Sydney, Australia. Then after his Bible College graduation, he was ordained as a minister of the Gospel on March 25, 1997.
At present, Pastor Freddie, along with his wife and children continue to serve the Lord through Bethel Bible Baptist Church, and will be reaching their 20th year this coming April 2017. To God be the Glory!
“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”
ACTS 16:31